Get inside Outsider Art tomorrow

That nebulous tag, Outsider Art, is stuck to self-taught artists inhabiting the margins of society and sometimes the norms of sanity, those unconnected to Art Institutions, and some who operate according to the whims of their internal visions. Tomorrow the ICA hosts what promises to be a wild and probably unruly debate on Outsider Art, with Outsider supporter Jarvis Cocker and maverick ex-Stuckist Billy Childish joining James Brett, the collector who founded the astonishingly popular Museum of Everything (closing Sunday), and David MacLagan. lecturer and psycho-therapist and author of the recent book, Outsider Art from the Margins to the Mainstream (Reaktion Books). Childish will stir the brew nicely - and plug his ICA exhibition, Unknowable but Certain opening on 15 February. Will they come up with new definitions, illustrate examples, fathom out if the recent love affair is another Art Fad or a lasting interest? But be there or be Outside.

Book for Don’t call me Crazy: How we fell in love with Outsider Art. ICA, London, 10 February, 6:45pm.