CD: CSS - Planta

CD: CSS - PLANTA Album number four from Brazilian pop outfit is fizzy fun but contains no surprises

CSS appeared riding the 2007 “nu rave” music media furore – their catsuit-wearing lead singer, Lovefoxxx, even dated one of scenester leaders The Klaxons for a while. That whole business is ancient history but, unfortunately, a host of great bands associated with the hype – notably The Klaxons and New Young Pony Club – have had a job finding purchase since their initial moment in the sun. The same applies to the Brazilian four-piece Cansei de Ser Sexy, a creative man down since the only male member of the band, Adriano Cintra, left last year. From the evidence of their fourth album, and despite occasionally lightweight, fluffy production from TV On The Radio’s David Sitek, there’s still enough gas in the tank to keep them going.

The emphasis throughout is unashamedly pop and they sometimes ride a fine line between sweetness and saccharine, but the best of it is well worth cherry-picking for a playlist. For those who like their less slick early material, notably the breakthrough single "Let’s Make Love and Listen to Death From Above", the song "Dynamite", riding a punky bassline, has plenty of thrust, as does the sassy “Teenage Tiger Cat”. ”Into the Sun”, meanwhile, is redolent of long lost Eighties popsters Strawberry Switchblade, “Too Hot” recalls Debut-era Bjork and the frothy electro-reggae of “The Hangout” has a touch of Blondie about it. Such comparisons are not intended dismissively for CSS add a light, tropically-coloured electro-pop sound to it all, and the moody closer “Faith in Love” is a particular treat.

Planta is not a game-changer but those who like CSS will find it way better than their 2008 stinker Donkey and on a par with 2011’s La Liberación. More casual listeners who come across it should be happy to locate a cluster of enjoyable, uninhibited electro-pop frolics.

Watch the video for "Hangover"