thu 20/03/2025

Tony Blair

DVD: The Killing$ of Tony Blair

Much like Margaret Thatcher’s tearful tumble from Downing Street, the haggard, hoarse Tony Blair who materialised after Chilcot must have given even his enemies pause. The glib, youthful Nineties spin-master now recalled Scrooge’s reproachful future...


Henry V, RSC, Barbican Theatre

Pro patria mori. Now there’s the test for Henry V - perform it on Remembrance Day. The “band of brothers” shtick relies on an idea of patriotism from an age when there was no need to define something so heartfelt, and an idea that kings and...


Imagine: Who's Afraid of Machiavelli?, BBC One

There is a wonderful play to be written about the month in 1502 when Cesare Borgia was holed up in a castle in northern Italy with Leonardo da Vinci and Niccolò Machiavelli. Which of these two was working for the fearsome Borgia? Wrong. It was the...


Blair's Children, Cockpit Theatre

What kind of legacy will the Blair years lave on ordinary people? Some predictable answers but also some unexpected, haunting personal accounts emerge in a drama inspired by the spectacularly successful 1974 play Kennedy's Children from American...


The Iraq War, BBC Two

Did they get the president? That’s the benchmark question viewers will ask of any new film from documentary house par excellence Brook Lapping and producer Norma Percy ever since they secured an interview with Slobodan Milosevic for their landmark...


Loyalty, Hampstead Theatre

Can journalists write good plays? Sarah Helm has been a Washington correspondent for The Independent during the first Gulf War in 1990, reported from Baghdad in the mid-1990s, and was based in Jerusalem for three years. So her debut play about the...


Storyville: Mandelson - The Real PM?, BBC Four

Lord Mandelson of Foy gives a masterclass in political shoelace tying

The title could have used a bit more work, I'd have thought. No, Peter Mandelson was never "the real PM", and won't be now. As for the real Peter Mandelson, there is no evidence that any such mythical beast exists. And why hadn't Lord Mandelson...


The Special Relationship, BBC Two

The double act between screenwriter Peter Morgan and his favoured leading man Michael Sheen has given us some of the most teasingly enjoyable dramas of recent years, but how much genuine insight they've given us into Tony Blair or New Labour remains...


theartsdesk Q&A: Actor Michael Sheen

Either it’s a bizarre accident. Or there’s something in the water. Port Talbot, the unlovely steel town in Wales where smoke stacks belch fumes into the cloudy coastal sky, has been sending its sons to work in Hollywood for decades now. Richard...


The Tony Blair Interview with Andrew Marr, BBC Two: The Overnight Review

Tony Blair’s style of leadership was often mocked for being “presidential”, but last night it was Andrew Marr, in sober suit/ shocking orange tie combo, who gave off something of that self-assured “presidential” air. Standing outside No 10, Marr...


The Tony Blair Interview with Andrew Marr, BBC Two: The Twitter Review

JasperRees Not long now till Tony Blair faces interrogation by A Marr. GraemeAThomson and I tweeting a live reviewGraemeAThomson Nice to see they’ve scheduled it straight after Restoration Roadshow. Someone at the Beeb with a GSOH?GraemeAThomson...


Blair/Marr: theartsdesk's second review on Twitter

Tony Blair has a book to flog. Andrew Marr has an interview to conduct. And theartsdesk has another TV programme to review live on Twitter.We tweeted our first review when Jonathan Ross said goodbye to the BBC. The Tony Blair Interview is on BBC Two...

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