Mark Rylance
Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light, BBC One review - handsome finale for Hilary Mantel adaptationMonday, 11 November 2024![]() “Previously on Wolf Hall…” It’s been nine years since Claire Foy memorably trembled her way to the block as Anne Boleyn, recapped at the start of the second and final season of the BBC’s handsome Hilary Mantel adaptation. It’s a deathbound affair... Read more... |
Dr Semmelweis, Harold Pinter Theatre review - a play in search of a bedside mannerWednesday, 12 July 2023![]() As an actor, Mark Rylance specialises in outsiders and eccentrics, outliers of one kind or another. He identified and developed his latest character himself, based on the real-life, mid-19th century Hungarian doctor whose pioneering,... Read more... |
The Outfit review - threadbare tailor-gangster yarnSaturday, 09 April 2022![]() “A man walks in,” Leonard (Mark Rylance) begins. “What about him can you observe? What does a man like to be? And who is he underneath?” Leonard is, in common parlance, a Savile Row tailor – “a cutter from the Row,” he insists – fetched up for murky... Read more... |
The Phantom of the Open review - charmingly incompetent golfer channels EalingThursday, 17 March 2022![]() “No one can say you didn’t try,” shipyard worker Maurice Flitcroft (Mark Rylance) is told, shortly before bluffing his way aged 46 into the 1976 British Open, having never played golf before. The British love of the underdog is our popular cinema’s... Read more... |
Dr Semmelweis, Bristol Old Vic review - dazzling but overloadedFriday, 28 January 2022![]() Dr Semmelweis, a star vehicle for Mark Rylance, one of Britain’s most versatile and talented actors, fills the Bristol Old Vic with a dizzying kaleidoscope of words, sounds and images. Tom Morris – the theatre’s energetic and inventive director –... Read more... |
Othello, Shakespeare's Globe review - André Holland shines, Mark Rylance pursues laughsThursday, 02 August 2018![]() Claire van Kampen has a history of providing roles for her husband, Mark Rylance. He starred in her critically acclaimed Farinelli and the King three years ago, and now she directs him as Iago in the Globe's production of Othello, with Moonlight... Read more... |
Nice Fish, Harold Pinter TheatreSaturday, 26 November 2016![]() Mark Rylance was once renowned for skipping thank yous to agents, friends and everyone he’s ever met in award speeches and instead giving us a blast of Minnesotan prose poet Louis Jenkins. Now the two men have co-created an oddball meditation,... Read more... |
The BFGFriday, 22 July 2016![]() Two cultural giants from different spheres align to occasionally sublime results in The BFG. Steven Spielberg's film locates the beatific in its (literally) outsized star, Mark Rylance, but lapses into the banal when its eponymous Big Friendly Giant... Read more... |
Bridge of SpiesFriday, 27 November 2015![]() Nostalgia for the good old days of mutually assured destruction? You’d have got long odds on such a thing on 9 November 1989, the day the Berlin Wall was breached. A quarter of a century on, the Americans and the Russians are entangled in a whole... Read more... |
Farinelli and the King, Duke of York's TheatreWednesday, 30 September 2015![]() No doubt this sophisticated bagatelle starring Mark Rylance worked like a charm in the intimate space and woody resonance of the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse. The Duke of York's Theatre is one of the West End’s smaller mainstream venues, its proscenium... Read more... |
Wolf Hall, Series Finale, BBC TwoThursday, 26 February 2015![]() Wolf Hall divided viewers from the off. It mesmerised many and left a vocal minority cold, for whom apparently - mystifyingly - it has all been a bit dull. The dialogue was too elliptical, the politics tricksy and convoluted (who is this Holy... Read more... |
The South Bank Show: Mark Rylance, Sky Arts 1Wednesday, 25 February 2015![]() Going into this programme, it dawned on me that I knew next to nothing about Mark Rylance's background – where he came from, who his parents were, what he does in his personal life. Having reached the end credits I was little the wiser, other than... Read more... |
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