Sherlock Holmes
Just One More Thing: Peter Falk, 1927-2011Tuesday, 28 June 2011A few years ago I chanced upon something truly surreal. I was driving along a track in New Zealand. The way you do. There was a field on the left. In it there was a man sitting on a portable chair, a sketchpad in his lap, a pencil in his hand.... Read more... |
Sherlock, BBC OneSunday, 25 July 2010There was a risk that this new take on the indestructible sleuth of Baker Street might be smothered at birth by a dust-storm of pre-publicity, with coverage stretching from the tabloids to Andrew Marr (who really seems to believe he's an arts... Read more... |
The Secret of Sherlock Holmes, Duchess TheatreWednesday, 21 July 2010How do you construct a compelling play about the greatest of fictional detectives without either mystery or reveal? The cryptic answer, in the form of Jeremy Paul’s 1988 theatrical two-hander The Secret of Sherlock Holmes, is far from elementary.... Read more... |
Sherlock HolmesSunday, 20 December 2009If James Bond could survive Roger Moore and George Lazenby, there must be grounds for optimism that Sherlock Holmes will eventually recover from this brutal mauling by Robert Downey Jr, under the gaudy directorial eye of Guy Ritchie. Holmesophiles... Read more... |
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