Andrew Mellor
Articles By Andrew Mellor
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It all started on 09/09/09. That memorable date, September 9 2009, marked the debut of
It followed some...

Is the Royal Ballet a “Balanchine company”? The question was posed at a recent Insight evening to Patricia Neary, the tireless dancer...

The typical Jason Statham movie character – muscular, resourceful, drily humorous – could probably carve an army into mincemeat using a few odds...

The BBC Philharmonic took its Saturday night audience on a journey into French sonic luxuriance – in reverse order of historical formation,...

The dramatic allure of families neck-deep in organised crime never seems to falter, and Stephen Butchard’s new series continues that great...

Over the last three years of the London Handel Festival, two experimental productions have...

A pizzicato violin opens Song Over Støv. Gradually, other instruments arrive: bowed violin, a fluttering flute, pattering percussion, an...

The sticker on the front cover says “The heaviest proto-metal compilation ever released.” And considering the label behind Yeah Man,...

On the spoken word LP Loose Talk, Amelia Barratt reflects on her or other...

On paper, it was a standard programme with no stars to explain how this came to be a sellout concert. But packed it was, an audience of all ages...