Ballet Preljocaj, And then 1000 years of peace, Edinburgh Playhou se
Ballet Preljocaj, And then 1000 years of peace, Edinburgh Playhou se
Submitted by admin on Tue, 21/05/2013 - 05:00
Friday, 17 August, 2012 - 18:30
Ballet Preljocaj, And then, 1000 years of peace, 17-19 Aug,Playhouse
France's contemporary dancemaker Angelin Preljocaj performs arecent collaboration he made with the Bolshoi Theatre, now adapted, thataims to "reveal what lies in the darkest depths of being". Words aside, t
his may be worth catching, for Preljocaj has a genuine combination of chor
eographic imagination and theatrical sense. (1hr 45m) [see 18 Aug, Convers
ations with Artists]