fri 07/03/2025

Ek/De Frutos/Veldman bill, ROH2, Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal O pera House

Ek/De Frutos/Veldman bill, ROH2, Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal O pera House

Friday, 7 September, 2012 - 18:45
Three & Four Quarters 7 September - 11 September 2012 | Linbur y Studio Theatre HeadSpaceDance represents an exciting new development f or British dancers Charlotte Broom and Christopher Akrill. Having both danc ed with Cullberg Ballet and the Northern Ballet Theatre, and participated in many ROH2 productions over the years, they come together in this new ve nture as dancers, curators and producers. Three & Four Quarters is Head SpaceDance’s debut work and it receives its world premiere at the Linbury S tudio Theatre in 2012. Broom and Akrill are joined by Clemmie Sveaas to per form newly commissioned pieces by choreographers Javier de Frutos, Luca Si lvestrini and Didy Veldman. The evening culminates in the 1991 duet Light B eings by Mats Ek (whose Carmen came to the Royal Ballet in 2002), which hehas reworked specially for the company. Booking: productions/three-and-four-quarters-by-christopher-akrill-and-charlotte-bro om