wed 29/01/2025

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, Lowry Salford

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, Lowry Salford

Wednesday, 30 January, 2013 - 19:30
29 Jan-27 Feb, Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, UK tour The male ballerinas' clever and hilarious parodies of classical ballet are worth seeing not just for the comedy but for the rare ballets they some times exhume - this programme shows their takes on 19th century Swan Lake,La Vivandiere, Fokine's Les Sylphides and an early Soviet classic Walpurg isnacht. The pas de deux selection invariably dazzles with their unexpectedtechnical bravura. Under the artistic direction of Tory Dobrin, who firstjoined the company as a dancer in 1980. 29-30 January              Salf ord Lowry                                  Les Sylphides/Pas de Deux/La Viv andière/Walpurgis Night 1-2 February                 Birmingham Hippodro me               Les Sylphides/Pas de Deux/La Vivandière/Walpurgis Night n5-6 February                 Canterbury Marlowe Theatre          Swan LakeAct II/Pas de Deux/La Vivandière/Walpurgis Night 8-9 February                  Nottingham Royal Concert Hall      Les Sylphides/Pas de Deux/La Viva ndière/Walpurgis Night 12-13 February             Bradford Alhambra                          Les Sylphides/Pas de Deux/La Vivandière/Walpurgis Night 15-16 February             Brighton Dome                               Les Sylphides/Pas de Deux/La Vivandière/Walpurgis Night 19-20 February              Newcastle Theatre Royal               Les Sylphides/Pas de Deux /Pas de Quatre/Walpurgis Night 22-23 February             Edinburgh Fest ival Theatre            Les Sylphides/Pas de Deux/La Vivandière/Walpurgis N ight 26-27 February             Belfast Grand Opera House          Swan Lake Act II/Pas de Deux/Pas de Quatre/Walpurgis Night