Phoenix Dance Theatre, Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House
Phoenix Dance Theatre, Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House
Submitted by admin on Tue, 21/05/2013 - 05:00
Thursday, 25 October, 2012 - 18:45
Phoenix Dance Theatre/Linbury Studio Theatre 25, 26, 27 Oct
Choreo: Ana Luján Sánchez, Henri Oguike, Sharon Watson and Kwesi Johnson.
Leeds-based Phoenix Dance Theatre bring a mixed-bill programme. Ana Luj
án Sánchez presents a new work, Catch, inspired by René Magritte’s iconicpainting The Son of Man. Kwesi Johnson’s SoundClash is the second premiereon the bill, and is based on the complex patterns created by soundwaves m
ade visible. Henri Oguike’s Signal is accompanied by the stirring sounds o
f Japanese Taiko drums, and Melt is a mix of aerial dance and contemporarychoreography by Sharon Watson, Artistic Director of Phoenix Dance.