Royal Ballet, triple bill, ROH
Royal Ballet, triple bill, ROH
Submitted by admin on Tue, 21/05/2013 - 05:00
Saturday, 30 June, 2012 - 18:00
30 June-7 July: Triple bill - Birthday Offering, A Month in th
e Country, Les noces (5 perfs). Ashton’s celebration of seven ballerinas m
arks the Royal Ballet’s 80th anniversary and opens the penultimate offeringof Dame Monica Mason's directorship, contrasting with his tender ballet-d
rama to Turgenev’s short story about a lady who falls in love with her chil
dren’s tutor. Nijinska’s Les noces is a setting of a Russian peasant weddin
g using Stravinsky’s extraordinary score for soloists, chorus, four piano
s and percussions. (*=debut)
30 June, 4 & 7 July: Birthday - Rojo* Bonell
i* / Month - Yanowsky Pennefather / Noces - Arestis Hirano*
3 & 6 July: Bi
rthday - Nuñez Soares / Month - Cojocaru* Polunin* / Noces - McNally* Hrist