Stan's Cafe, Roundhouse (LIMF)
Stan's Cafe, Roundhouse (LIMF)
Submitted by admin on Tue, 21/05/2013 - 05:00
Monday, 14 January, 2013 - 20:00
Stan's Cafe (UK) - The Cardinals (London Premiere)
Mon 14 - Sa
t 19 Jan @ 8pm
After-show discussion: Tue 15 Jan
Runs 110 mins / no inte
£15 (£13 concs)
Three Cardinals in crimson robes are on a mission ofredemption. Supervised by a young, female, Muslim stage manager, their
evangelical puppet show races through key scenes from the Bible, famous in
cidents from the Crusades, and finally brings us to the contemporary Middl
e East. But their puppets have gone missing and the Cardinals must themselv
es act out the stories. The Cardinals ask us to show faith whilst theatre t
raditionally asks us to suspend our disbelief; a fascinating premise for athought-provoking, witty and hugely entertaining show. Founded in Birming
ham in 1991, Stan’s Cafe is a group of long-term artistic collaborators dr
awn from many disciplines. This show was premiered at Domaine d’O in 2011 i
n Montpellier, where Stan’s Cafe are Artistic Associates.
Age guidance: 7
Booking and London International Mime Festival information: http://www