V4: Vivaldi 4 seasons music with dance, Orchestra of the Age of En lightenment/Henri Oguike, Queen Elizabeth Hall
V4: Vivaldi 4 seasons music with dance, Orchestra of the Age of En lightenment/Henri Oguike, Queen Elizabeth Hall
Submitted by admin on Wed, 15/05/2013 - 05:00
Friday, 8 February, 2013 - 18:30
OAE with choreographer Henri Oguike.
The Night Shift, 7 Fe
bruary 2013, Queen Elizabeth Hall, 9pm
We join forces with acclaimed cho
reographer Henri Oguike, for a brand new twist on The Four Seasons
The Seasons, 8 February 2013, Queen Elizabeth Hall, 6.30pm & 8.30pm
A m
ajor new collaboration between the OAE and renowned choreographer Henri Ogu
ike, fusing a period performance of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons with contem
porary choreography
Booking: http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk