Gillian Wearing, Whitechapel Gallery
Gillian Wearing, Whitechapel Gallery
Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/02/2012 - 22:00
Wednesday, 28 March, 2012 (All day)
The first major retrospective of Gillian Wearing's internationa
lly acclaimed photographs and films. Fascinated by how people present thems
elves in front of the camera, the Turner Prize-winning artist explores ide
as of personal identity through often masking her subjects. Highlights incl
ude a striking photograph of the artist posing as her younger self, 'Self
Portrait at 17 Years Old' (2003), and 'Dancing in Pecking' (1994), a filmwhich blurs the boundaries between public space and personal expression asWearing dances unselfconsciously in a shopping centre. Until 17 June