sun 12/01/2025

Light Show, Hayward Gallery

Light Show, Hayward Gallery

Wednesday, 30 January, 2013 (All day)
Until 20 April Light Show explores the experiential and phen omenalnature of light, bringing together sculptures and installations thatuse light to create specific conditions. The exhibition showcases artworkssince the 1960s in which light itself is used as material to sculpt and sh ape space, often creating evocative environments and sensory works that op erate at the edges of the viewer’s perception. Light has the power to affec t our states of mind as well as alter our perceptions, and Light Show willinclude some of the most visually stimulating artworks created in recent y ears as well as rare works not seen for decades and re-created specially fo r the Hayward Gallery. Artists in the exhibition include: David Batchel or, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Olafur Eliasson, Dan Flavin, Ceal Floyer, Jenny Holzer, Ann Veronica Janssens, Anthony McCall, François Morellet, Ivan Navarro, Katie Paterson, and Conrad Shawcross. http://ticketing.south itions/future