Piero Gilardi & John Newling, Nottingham Contemporary
Piero Gilardi & John Newling, Nottingham Contemporary
Submitted by admin on Fri, 02/11/2012 - 09:37
Saturday, 26 January, 2013 (All day)
Until 7 Apr 2013
Featuring two artists who address the natur
al world and our environment.
Gilardi was an important figure in the Art
e Povera movement in Italy in the late 1960s who positioned art as a form o
f social relations. Collaborative Effects presents many of his early sculpt
ures, including the Nature Carpets – a series of highly colourful and hype
r-realistic sculptures of plant-life. Disappointed by his fellow artists’ r
elative lack of commitment to the goal of political revolution through art
, Gilardi exited the art world in 1969 and became involved as a creative fa
cilitator in a wide range of sociopolitical movements – including the antip
sychiatry movement, youth groups, the far left in Turin and the early eco
logy movement.
A significant British artist of the past few decades, No
ttingham-based John Newling is a pioneer of social, process-based and cont
extual forms of public art. His work is also concerned with nature, the en
vironment and society. Nottingham Contemporary presents a range of importan
t public works by Newling, from the 1970s to the present day. His work que
stions the acceptance of social and economic systems such as money or the s
hared belief of religion. Working with two plant species chosen for the unc
anny assistance they each offer to humans, Newling has created sculptural
artworks through slow horticultural processes specially for this exhibition
. The installation Late Spring, Miracle Tree takes the form of two young M
oringa Oleiferas, or Miracle Trees, each in a silver-lined growth tent. d
isplayed in our large street-facing windows, emitting light and sprouting
new life.