sat 11/01/2025

New Adventures, Matthew Bourne early works, Sadler's Wells

New Adventures, Matthew Bourne early works, Sadler's Wells

Monday, 21 May, 2012 - 18:30
21-26 May: Matthew Bourne’s "Early Adventures", consisting of Spitfire, Town and Country and The Infernal Galop - pieces that made his r eputation for English wit - revived by his company New Adventures. PN22. Booking: Rest of the UK tour: Poole 15-16 May,, Br ighton 17-19 May, Sadler's Wells, London 21-26 May, Northampton 29-30 Ma y, Richmond 31 May-2 June, Cardiff 5-6 June, Truro 7-9 June, Oxford 11- 13 June, Cambridge 14-16 June, Bromley 17-18 June Info and booking linksfor all: es-early-adventures-spitfire-town-and-country-the-infernal-galop/