sun 12/01/2025

London International Mime Festival 11-29 January

London International Mime Festival 11-29 January

Wednesday, 11 January, 2012 (All day)
Wednesday 11 – Sunday 29 January 2012 Europe’s leading showcas e for ground-breaking visual and physical theatre, staged across six Londo n venues at the Southbank Centre, Barbican, Royal Opera House Linbury Stu dio, Roundhouse Studio Theatre and Jackson's Lane.2012 London Internationa l Mime Festival 11-21 January, Blind Summit, Soho Theatre (70 mins) 14- 16 January, Baccala Clowns, Pss Pss, Purcell Room, Southbank Centre (6 0mins). 16-17 January, Hiroaki Umeda / S20, Haptic + Holistic Strata, L inbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House (60 mins +interval). 17-18 Jan uary, Autour du Mime, Tell Me The Truth and Other Stories, Purcell Room , Southbank Centre (65 mins). 17-22 January, Invisible Thread, Plucked,Roundhouse Studio Theatre, London NW1 (90 mins inc interval) 18-21 Janua ry, Gandini Juggling, Smashed, Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera Hous e (55 mins). 18-21 January, Compagnie L'Immédiat / Camille Boitel, Barbi can Theatre (60 mins) 19-22 January, Toron Blues, Tendre Suie, Purcell Room, Southbank Centre (50 mins). 20-22 January, NoFit State Circus, M undo Paralelo, Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre (2 hours inc interv al) 23-25 January, Claudio Stellato, L’Autre, Purcell Room, Southbank Centre (50 mins). 24-28 January, Théâtre Tête de Pioche, Fragments de V ie, Roundhouse Studio Theatre, London NW1 (45 mins). 26-29 January, Kul unka Teatro, André and Dorine, Purcell Room, Southbank Centre (65mins). 27-29 January, Sugar Beast Circus, {Event(Dimension):}, Jacksons Lane , London N6 (60 min including interval) Info and booking: http://www.mimel