Minimalism at 50, Labeque Sisters, Kings Place
Minimalism at 50, Labeque Sisters, Kings Place
Submitted by admin on Fri, 12/07/2013 - 17:11
Saturday, 26 November, 2011 - 19:30
50 Years of Minimalism: Rock 'n' Rollers
Laurie Anderson: O
Superman (1981)
Glenn Branca: Lesson No 1 (1979) for electric guitars
ilip Glass: Four Movements (2008) (UK premiere) for two pianos
Terry Riley
: Bird of Paradise (1963) for tape
Terry Riley: Persian Surgery Dervishes
(1971) for solo electric keyboard
Brian Eno: In Dark Trees (1975) for rockensemble
Lawrence Chandler: Music for Rock Ensemble (2011) (world premier
The Who: Baba O'Riley (1971) for rock ensemble
Radiohead: Pyramid Song(2001) for rock ensemble
Sonic Youth: Free City Rhymes (2000) for rock en
World premiere new work by Raphaël Séguinier
And a selection of pia
no music by William Duckworth and Aphex Twin
Katia and Marielle Labèque
Nicola Tescari keyboard
David Chalmin electric guitar
Massimo Pup
illo bass guitar
Raphaël Séguinier percussion
The rock wo
rld was no less taken by the new musical pulse washing in from New York. Th
e Who, Brian Eno and Laurie Anderson were quick to absorb the aesthetic. I
t has since become a dominating influence on the likes of Sonic Youth, Aph
ex Twin and Radiohead. But the process went two ways. While minimalism was
revolutionising rock music, rock, jazz and world music was in turn revolu
tionising minimalism.
The Labèque's and their band give the UK premiere
of Philip Glass’s Four Movements for Two Pianos (2008), Terry Riley’s psyc
hadelic Persian Surgery Dervishes (1971), the lively postminimalism of Gle
nn Branca’s Lesson No 1 (1979) and a selection of works from what is consid
ered the Well-Tempered Clavier of minimalism, William Duckworth's Time Cur
ve Preludes (1977-8). And there are world premieres from a pupil of La Mont
e Young - the founder of experimental band Bowery Electric - Lawrence Chand
ler, and French percussionist Raphaël Séguinier.