fri 07/03/2025

Anjin: The Shogun and the English Samurai, Sadler's Wells Theatre

Anjin: The Shogun and the English Samurai, Sadler's Wells Theatre

Thursday, 31 January, 2013 - 19:30
31 Jan – 9 Feb (11 performances): William Adams, known in Japa nese as Anjin, was an English maritime pilot who is believed to be the fir st Englishman to ever reach Japan. His story is brought to the stage in a s tunning new play directed by the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Artistic Direc tor, Gregory Doran, and written by Mike Poulton with Shoichiro Kawai. Wa shed ashore on a strange and exotic land, Anjin soon finds himself as the trusted adviser to the powerful Shogun Tokugawa, drawn to the heart of a d angerous clash of cultures and struggle for power, whilst war threatens toerupt all around. Torn between two worlds and two lives, Anjin must decid e who he really is, and where he really belongs. An epic and compelling t ale of friendship, honour, love and sacrifice, this beautifully staged n ew production stars the celebrated Japanese actor Masachika Ichimura alongs ide Stephen Boxer, Yuki Furukawa and an international cast direct from Jap an and the UK. Performed in English and Japanese with surtitles in both lan guages. Booking: Laura S. to review