Desdemona, Barbican Hall
Desdemona, Barbican Hall
Submitted by admin on Sun, 19/05/2013 - 05:00
Thursday, 19 July, 2012 - 18:30
19-20 July, Desdemona, Toni Morrison/ Rokia Traoré/ Peter Sel
lars, Barbican Hall. In response to Peter Sellars’ 2009 Othello, Nobel Pr
ize-winning novelist Toni Morrison and Malian singer/songwriter Rokia Traor
é collaborate to create an intimate conversation between Shakespeare’s Desd
emona and her African nurse, Barbary. Toni Morrison writes the stories, R
okia Traoré the songs and she also sings the role of Barbary in this Barbic
an co-commission which is directed by Peter Sellars.