sun 09/03/2025

Treasured, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral

Treasured, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral

Monday, 1 October, 2012 - 18:00
Running from 1-6 Oct, a multimedia exploration of the sinking of the Titanic. Book tickets: erpool-Cathedral-2949537.html "Inspired by one of the most powerful trag edies of the last 100 years, the story of the HMS Titanic, Treasured aimsto move beyond simply re-telling the tale of that fateful maiden voyage in1912, and unravel some previously untold, more unusual strands of the st ory as well as expose some of the myths that surround this universal traged y. Awe-inspiring projections, soundscapes and aerial theatre will transfor m the space, while an accomplished cast, live professional musicians incl uding the RLPO’s Brendan Ball and live recordings of brand new contemporaryclassical music will combine to evoke the stories and after effects of thi s catastrophic event. Created and directed by Jen Heyes and written and co mposed by Ailis Ni Riain, Treasured continues Liverpool Cathedral’s long s tanding commitment to hosting innovative and contemporary performances. Thecast will interact with large scale film by Illuminos who work with projec tion, light and sound to create works that directly stem from the building s, spaces and places they engage with. Wired Aerial Theatre – who brought the highly acclaimed As The World Tipped to the cathedral in 2011 - also fo rm part of this stunning production, amazing the audience with their mid a ir moves. With breathtaking soundscapes, a community chorus, the grandeurof this world famous building and the audience right in the centre of the action, Treasured is truly an event like no other."