sun 02/02/2025

South Asian festival at Southbank | Arts News

South Asian festival at Southbank

Southbank Centre’s third annual Alchemy festival returns 12-22 April with a mix of music, dance, literature, film, fashion and design reflecting the economic and cultural landscape of the Indian subcontinent. The centre's Thames-side venues and spaces become a film set, complete with a "Taste of India" food market, and festival-goers can enroll as dancing and singing extras in a Bollywood-style movie to be made throughout the festival and screened as a finale. 

With a particular focus on Pakistan, this year’s festival features artists from Bangladesh to Sri Lanka, including Asian Dub Foundation at the Royal Festival Hall, Lahore's Sachal Jazz Orchestra, Susheela Raman and Pete Lockett in collaboration with Rajasthani traditional artists. Franz Osten’s lavish 1928 silent film Shiraz will be shown with live accompaniment from tabla player Sarvar Sabri and the Sabri Ensemble. More information:


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