Globe to Globe
Globe to Globe: The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare's GlobeMonday, 28 May 2012![]() The battle of the sexes took on a bright and breezy tone in Pakistan's contribution to the Globe's ongoing Bardathon, the Theatre Wallay-Kashf's rumbustious production of The Taming of the Shrew. It's been more customary of late to treat this most... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: The Winter's Tale, Shakespeare's GlobeSunday, 27 May 2012![]() The Winter’s Tale may not be one of the best loved of Shakespeare’s plays – not quite a comedy, not quite a full-blown drama – but the Globe was packed on the hottest night of the year for this vibrant Yoruba version direct from Lagos. South-East... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: All's Well That Ends Well, Shakespeare's GlobeFriday, 25 May 2012![]() It's both easy and fashionable to render ironic, or scoff at, the title of All's Well That Ends Well. This is the Shakespeare "comedy" in which the rabidly obsessed Helena finally ensnares her none-too-doting Bertram in a putative happy ending that... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: Coriolanus, Shakespeare's GlobeThursday, 24 May 2012![]() Had one listened to the Chiten company from Kyoto performing Coriolanus with one’s eyes closed, it would have seemed as if the stage were teeming with performers. And without understanding a word of Japanese, a theatregoer could respond to... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: Love's Labour's Lost, Shakespeare's GlobeWednesday, 23 May 2012![]() "37 Plays. 37 Languages." This is the tagline for the Globe Theatre's Globe to Globe season, hosting theatre companies from every corner of the world. The season may be international in outlook, yet the language used to perform this version of Love'... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: As You Like It, Shakespeare's GlobeTuesday, 22 May 2012![]() In the Globe to Globe season, the Caucasus is proving as fruitful a ground as any for new views on old texts. Georgia’s Marjanishvili company, under director Levan Tsuladze, proved the region has a special style with their version of As You Like It... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare's GlobeMonday, 21 May 2012![]() The Globe to Globe season has enjoyed tremendous goodwill from audiences and critics alike. And this has been largely repaid, for it’s been a joy and a wonder to learn just how much contemporary relevance can be mined and brought into sharp relief,... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: King Lear, Shakespeare's GlobeSunday, 20 May 2012![]() Like a post-Soviet Oedipal X-Factor, the Belarus Free Theatre on Friday night gave one of the greatest productions of King Lear London has ever seen. Forget our local Lears, with naked theatrical knights and casts in emotional straitjackets: this... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: King John, Shakespeare's GlobeSaturday, 19 May 2012![]() You might have wondered if, when Armenia was offered King John as part of the Globe to Globe season, they felt they’d drawn the short straw. Not a bit of it. Shakespeare’s early history play, the action of which pre-dates those for which he is... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2, Shakespeare's GlobeThursday, 17 May 2012![]() The two parts of Henry IV parts 1 and 2 are very macho plays. Men drink, tell rude jokes, strut and lie their way into power and influence. In Globe to Globe's Latin American takes on the Bard, some hijo de puta and de puta madre seem fitting... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: Henry VI, Parts 1, 2 and 3, Shakespeare's GlobeMonday, 14 May 2012![]() There was always going to be one Borat moment in this festival. And it came courtesy of the Albanians, who, for comic effect, in the middle of their Henry VI, Part 2 indulged in the gratuitous harassment of a mentally handicapped person. It got the... Read more... |
Globe to Globe: The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Shakespeare's GlobeSaturday, 12 May 2012![]() The concept sounds like something dreamed up towards the bottom of a bottle in a Harare shebeen: Two Gentlemen of Verona performed by two gentlemen in Shona. But if any of the plays can withstand the stripped-down treatment, it’s the likeable but... Read more... |