Mark Sheerin
Articles By Mark Sheerin
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It all started on 09/09/09. That memorable date, September 9 2009, marked the debut of
It followed some...

Is the Royal Ballet a “Balanchine company”? The question was posed at a recent Insight evening to Patricia Neary, the tireless dancer...

The BBC Philharmonic took its Saturday night audience on a journey into French sonic luxuriance – in reverse order of historical formation,...

The dramatic allure of families neck-deep in organised crime never seems to falter, and Stephen Butchard’s new series continues that great...

Over the last three years of the London Handel Festival, two experimental productions have...

A pizzicato violin opens Song Over Støv. Gradually, other instruments arrive: bowed violin, a fluttering flute, pattering percussion, an...

The sticker on the front cover says “The heaviest proto-metal compilation ever released.” And considering the label behind Yeah Man,...

On the spoken word LP Loose Talk, Amelia Barratt reflects on her or other...

On paper, it was a standard programme with no stars to explain how this came to be a sellout concert. But packed it was, an audience of all ages...

In Italy, they did it differently. Their pulp fiction tales of suburban transgression appeared between yellow covers on new stands...