thu 19/09/2024


Amish: World's Squarest Teenagers, Channel 4

Jasper Rees

Where can or will television’s thirst for tabloid anthropology fetch up? In previous tribal exchanges, wives have been swapped, geeks have gone to babe school, thugs to boot camp, WAGs to townships, Papua New Guineans to the big smoke. Posh girls have lately been parachuted into Peckham.


Would I Lie to You? BBC One

howard Male The crew of the Starship Deception about to lie as no one has lied before

The fact that we humans are, technically speaking, bad liars proves that we are instinctively moral creatures (rather than getting our morals from our god or our parents) and that lying is therefore, evolutionarily speaking, probably a bad idea. You can get away with saying you were caught in traffic, rather than admitting you were in the pub, but a polygraph will pick up on changes in blood pressure, pulse and respiration - those indicators of anxiety you’d rather not be feeling - and your...


The Hotel Inspector, Five

Adam Sweeting Cruella di Polizzi resumes her quest to hunt down Britain's surviving Basil Fawltys

I stayed in a frightful hotel in Plymouth once. Decrepit rooms, filthy windows, potentially fatal cuisine, sinister staff… By contrast, that same city’s Astor Hotel looked quite pleasant, though not if you were viewing it through the gimlet eyes of Alex Polizzi. Nothing that met her gaze was adequate. The décor was too kitschy and flowery and old-fashioned. The carpets were disgusting, the walls stained and peeling, the lobby too gloomy to contemplate. The establishment’s habit of equipping...


Britain by Bike/ Britain Goes Camping, BBC Four

Veronica Lee 'Britain by Bike': Part social history, part travelogue on two wheels with Clare Balding

Themed seasons are often the invention of programmers who have run out of ideas; they string together loosely related output under a cleverly non-specific season title when any old dross gathering dust in the cupboard is given an airing. So I read the notes of BBC’s The Call of the Wild season - with its mix of repeats and new material, and the dread phrases “the great British love affair with the countryside”, “nostalgic exploration” and “a light-hearted look at”- with a sinking...


The Fairy Jobmother, Channel 4

Fisun Güner Hayley Taylor's 'Highway Road to Success': A crash course for winners - or a dead end?

No-nonsense Hayley Taylor is to the terminally unemployed what Jo Frost, aka Supernanny, is to the attention-seeking, tantrum-prone pre-schooler – but without the naughty step. In this reality three-parter she attempts to do what whole governments have so far failed to: to get members of the long-term, unskilled unemployed (what some might unkindly term the "Jeremy Kyle generation" – aka the underclass) back into the labour market. This she attempts to do, not by sprinkling magic Fairy...


Die Meistersinger at the Proms, BBC Four

David Nice

Two birthday parties kept me away from the Albert Hall yesterday (though I'll confess that in the end I treacherously skipped the second and stayed glued to the TV's delayed relay). That, and a slight fear that the concert performance of Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg from the BBC Proms couldn't match up to the original Welsh National Opera production of the decade.


Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, BBC One: The Twitter Review


JasperRees He can't pronounce vuvuzela

JasperRees Is this really Becks' first time? What do he and Rourke say to each other? Bloody hell, Roxy are looking a bit senior

SweetingAdam Rourke once made a TV movie about Shergar. Title role I guess.

JasperRees Did they deliberately choose a Mickey Rourke clip in which he didn't say a word?


The Silence, BBC One

Adam Sweeting

There was a gnawing suspicion that The Silence wouldn’t amount to much, since it was dumped in a four-night splurge in the middle of the mid-summer doldrums, and even the normally docile Radio Times had decided to stamp its foot and pick holes in it. One’s apprehension proved ill-founded, however. It turned out to be taut, tense, well acted and smartly written, and carried enough pace to lift it over the more credulity-stretching passages.


Living with Brucie, Channel 4

Gerard Gilbert Bruce Forsyth and wife Wilnelia Merced-Forsyth act naturally for the cameras

So was it nice to see him (to see him nice)? Actually nice is probably the wrong word for Bruce Forsyth on the evidence of the opening documentary in a new series of Cutting Edge – tetchy, obsessive in his habits and (as we shall see) sometimes downright unpleasant, may be nearer the mark, as director David Nath gains access to Forsyth’s two palatial homes (...


That Mitchell and Webb Look, BBC Two

Veronica Lee

If you know David Mitchell and Robert Webb from Peep Show on Channel 4 (written by Jesse Armstrong and Sam Bain), in which Mitchell plays the insufferably self-important Mark and Webb the self-deluding idiot Jeremy, then you will easily recognise similar stock types being used in That Mitchell and Webb Look on BBC Two, which goes to show you should never mess with a winning formula...




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The Lightest Element, Hampstead Theatre review - engrossing,...

British theatre has a proud heritage of science plays. From 1990s classics such as Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia (1993) and Michael Frayn’s ...

Here comes the flood: Bob Dylan's 1974 Live Recordings

Lighters at the ready, because here comes the flood. Drawn from 16-track tape, 1/4in reels and lo-fi sound board cassettes that are now a half...

Album: The Waeve - City Lights

Real-life couple Graham Coxon and Rose-Elinor Dougall are both musicians of some profile in their own rights. The former, especially, for his work...

Donohoe, Roscoe, Stoller Hall, Manchester review - two great...

A little piece of musical history was made last night at Manchester Chamber Concerts Society’s season-opening concert. Two of the greatest...

Wang, Lapwood, LSO, Pappano, Barbican review - grace and pow...

It takes stiff competition to outshine Yuja Wang, who last night at the Barbican complemented her spangled silver sheath with a disconcerting pair...

My Favourite Cake review - woman, love, and freedom

The taxi cab has become a recurring motif in modern Iranian cinema, perhaps because it approximates to a kind of dissident bubble within the...

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A happy, lucid and bright pianist, a forbidding Everest among piano sonatas: would Boris Giltburg follow a bewitching, ceaselessly engaging first...

The Band Back Together, Arcola Theatre review - three is a d...

We meet Joe first at the keys, singing a pretty good song, but we can hear the pain in the voice – but is that...

Music Reissues Weekly: Sean Buckley & The Breadcrumbs

Although Dagenham’s Sean Buckley & The Breadcrumbs are less than a footnote in the story of beat boom-era Britain, appearances on archive...