Classical Reviews
Lewis, Philharmonia, Nelsons, Royal Festival HallMonday, 09 February 2015![]()
Andris Nelsons is flavour of the month in London. He is in town to conduct The Flying Dutchman at Covent Garden, but between performances he is moonlighting at the Festival Hall, giving two concerts with the Philharmonia. This, the first, opened with a serviceable Mozart Piano Concerto No. 25 from Paul Lewis, and concluded with a Bruckner Third Symphony that was in a different league entirely. Read more... |
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Chorus and Orchestra, Scapucci, Liverpool Philharmonic HallSunday, 08 February 2015![]()
The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic has something of a track record when it comes to finding conductors destined for great heights. After all, Sir Simon Rattle was a player in Merseyside Youth Orchestra and started his conducting career in Liverpool. The latest RLPO concert, following that great tradition, included a new face. And what an impact she made. Read more... |
Bondarenko, LPO, Jurowski, Royal Festival HallSunday, 08 February 2015![]()
The concert season’s title may be Rachmaninoff Inside Out. But the work that dominated and got people talking in yesterday’s instalment of Vladimir Jurowski’s London Philharmonic series was by another composer entirely. “Weird, isn’t it?” said the man in the row behind. And that was only after the first movement of George Enescu’s massive Symphony No. Read more... |
Carducci String Quartet, St George's Hall Concert Room, LiverpoolThursday, 05 February 2015![]()
When you’re visiting someone for the first time, it’s probably just as well that you make a good impression – or else you may not be asked back. Read more... |
Tutuguri, BBCSO, Nagano, BarbicanSunday, 01 February 2015![]()
If what you wanted to do was go out to the middle of the Mexican desert, invert the Cross and dip it in blood, screaming obscenities all the while, surrounded by a sunburnt band of fellow travellers all off their heads on mescalin, Tutuguri is definitely the music you’d want to do it to. Read more... |
Florian Boesch, Roger Vignoles, Wigmore HallFriday, 30 January 2015![]()
Ernst Krenek is probably best remembered nowadays as the composer of Jonny Spielt Auf – the quintessential Zeitoper of Weimar Germany and later the archetype of all that was designated “degenerate” in art by the Nazi regime. And perhaps also as – briefly – the husband of Anna Mahler, daughter of Gustav. But Krenek was far more than that. Read more... |
Hannigan, LPO, Jurowski, Festival HallThursday, 29 January 2015![]()
Barbara Hannigan, we all know, is game for anything. This Canadian soprano with the pearliest tones and the dramatic instincts of a Sarah Bernhardt can find beauty and meaning in almost every contemporary composer’s barbed wire. Recently she’s been cavorting on stage as Alban Berg’s Lulu; earlier this month, for a sliver of Ligeti, she paraded herself on the Barbican platform as a gum-chewing schoolgirl in a naughty micro-skirt. Read more... |
Classical CDs Weekly: Henry Mancini, Georg Breinschmid, BeethovenSaturday, 24 January 2015![]()
James Dillon's Stabat Mater, London Sinfonietta, Volkov, QEHThursday, 22 January 2015![]()
James Dillon calls this major work, premered at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival last November, a “Cubist Stabat Mater”. He sets the hymn, but adds in more recent words, texts on related themes by Picasso, Kristeva and Rilke, among others. The music, too, acknowledges the passage of historical time, with subtle references to musical styles from down the centuries. Read more... |
Latvian Radio Choir, Kļava, St John's Smith SquareWednesday, 21 January 2015![]()
Latvia likes to be different. At least that’s the message they sent out with the cultural programme marking the start of the country’s presidency of the Council of the European Union. Pomp and circumstance were out, and instead we got a Cage-inspired happening, an audio/visual presentation that was many things: part video installation, part performance art. The only thing you couldn’t describe it as was a choral concert. Read more... |
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